Live Class Features

Education 4.0 will enable learning anytime, anywhere as the e-learning tools and applications will provide opportunities for remote, self-paced learning. The role of classrooms will change wherein theoretical knowledge will be imparted outside the classroom while practical or experiential knowledge will be imparted face-to-face.

Education 4.0 will also enable personalised learning for students depending on their capabilities. This means that above average students will be challenged with tasks that are difficult as compared to students who are below average. This implies that there will be individual learning processes for each student. It will surely have a positive impact as it will enable students to learn at their pace. This will result in a better understanding of the concepts and an overall better result. It will also help teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student individually and guide them accordingly.

A part of Education 4.0 will be the technology/devices used by students to gain an education. While every subject has its own set of knowledge and information that the students can grasp, the road to attaining this knowledge can vary. This means that the students will be able to choose the tools and techniques through which they want to acquire this knowledge. Techniques like blended learning, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and flipped classrooms are a few examples of this. Please find the attached end to end solution for your educational institutions.

  • Videos
  • Notes
  • Assessment
  • Practise / Full Tests
  • Reports

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I liked the presentation and appearance as well as good communication skills. It was really fruitful to us. It was helpful to us to develop our personality. Interaction was excellent. Might have some video clips to make it more interesting. It was excellent.

Ms. Sangeeta Kamble, Faculty

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