Contact us

Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information about Consulting WP.

  • Corporate Office
    Survey No. 283, Plot No.68,
    'Arudatta', Near Chhatrapti Shivaji Uday Mandal, Opp Mokashi Stamp Vendor, Tanaji Nagar, Chinchwad, Pune, 411033
    Landmark : Podar International School
  • +91 8010318305
  • Head Office
    Kunal Estate, A/7/1 , Keshav Nagar, Chinchwad, Pune 411033
  • Monday–Saturday: 10:00AM–6:00PM
    Sunday: CLOSED


For more information regarding Aspiring Careers Finishing School, please contact:

Rushikesh Parandkar
+91 77680 29797
+91 96045 22046

Get in touch with us